本篇文章给大家谈谈阴阳师晴雅集公主结局是什么 她最后死了吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Qing Ya Ji", Princess Changping possesses the ability of immortality because she uses herself as a container to seal the evil snake. Over the hundreds of years, she has changed countless identities and experienced many different lives, but Princess Changping is not Happy, because she can't be emotional, and therefore she can't be with the person she loves. Many people are curious about the ending of the princess in "Onmyoji Qing Ya Ji"? Princess Changping was instigated by He Shouyue to release the evil snake. She originally wanted He Shouyue to live and accompany her, but things were not as simple as Princess Changping thought.

It is reported that Princess Changping killed herself in the end. She gave birth to a snake, and the ability of immortality disappeared naturally. I don't want him to die, the only way to save him is to let He Shouyue devour the evil snake and gain the ability of immortality, but without the evil snake in Changping's body, he will naturally not be able to maintain longevity.

But Chang Ping is willing to do this for He Shouyue. She has been unhappy for hundreds of years. Even if she can live forever, it is just to continue this unhappiness. I can also watch him live a good life with peace of mind, and then leave. It's just that He Shouyue was affected by the evil snake after devouring it, and he wanted more power, so He Shouyue released the real body of the evil snake, and began to devour the emotions and desires of the people in Tiandu City. He Shouyue led Princess Changping to stand on the evil snake. She watched the Tiandu City and the people who she had guarded for so many years were enduring this sudden disaster because of the decision she made. Changping couldn't bear it.

She finally woke up and realized how absurd her decision to release the evil snake was. But He Shouyue couldn't stop now, Chang Ping was very sad, she finally chose to bet her weight in He Shouyue's heart, so Chang Ping chose to draw his sword in front of He Shouyue, so he hoped he could stop, Stop hurting those innocent people.