最近有很多热心网友都十分关心11部电影定档2024五一 每一部都有可能成为票房黑马这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「听风细雨」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。



同时上映的电影这么多,观众也有了更多的选择性,只有看过才能知道质量怎么样。《九龙城寨之围城》是郑保瑞执导的格斗港片,十分刺激,《穿过月亮的旅行》是张子枫和胡先煦主演的爱情片,这两部电影题材截然不同, 受众群体也不一样,看来今年的五一档火药味十足。




【英文介绍/For English】:

There are a total of eleven movies on the May Day schedule in 2024, with different themes and stories. Some movies have been anticipated by everyone for a long time, and they all want to go to the theater to see them. I don’t know which of these movies on the May Day schedule is It did better at the box office and was more popular with audiences.

Movies released on April 30 include "Howl's Moving Castle", "Spy's House", "Stuntman" and "Xiao Qian", and movies released on May 1 include "Journey Across the Moon" ", "Peacekeeping Riot Squad", "Nothing That Can't Be Solved by a Hot Pot", "Thelma and Louise", "Rescue", "The Siege of Kowloon Walled City", "Pigman Movie·Interstellar Action" .

With so many movies released at the same time, audiences have more choices. Only by watching them can you know the quality. "The Siege of Kowloon Walled City" is a fighting Hong Kong film directed by Cheng Baorui. It is very exciting. "Journey Across the Moon" is a romance film starring Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu. The two films have completely different themes and different audience groups. It seems that This year’s May Day stalls are full of excitement.

"The Siege of Kowloon Walled City" is another Hong Kong-style action film after the "The Wolf" series. The director Cheng Baorui is also very good. His works are of high quality, each one has a good reputation, and the box office will not let everyone down. Disappointing, many people like thrilling action scenes that can arouse emotions and have a strong sense of immersion and story.

"Journey Across the Moon" is a romantic movie that spans time and space, full of love. Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu are both capable actors, and they should have a good chemistry. "Howl's Moving Castle", "The Pig Man Movie: Interstellar Action" and "Xiao Qian" are all animation movies that can make people's eyes shine.

"Peacekeeping Riot Squad" stars Huang Jingyu and Wang Yibo, and "Nothing Can't Be Solved by Hot Pot" stars Yang Mi. Fans want to see how their idols perform in the movie, and they are looking forward to it.