
小小梦魇2》结局:目前来说,有两种结局。一个结局是最后的时候小六没有出现,还有一个结局是最后的时候小六出现了,不过小六是从电视里面爬出来的。但严格意义上来讲,这个其实就是一个结局,就是小六最后放手的结局。那个从电视里出来的情况是游戏里把影子全部收集齐的奖励彩蛋。《小小梦魇2》,为Tarsier Studios开发的惊悚解谜游戏系列《小小梦魇》的第二部。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Little Nightmare 2" ending: Currently, there are two endings. One ending is that Xiao Liu did not appear at the end, and the other ending is that Xiao Liu appeared at the end, but Xiao Liu crawled out of the TV. But strictly speaking, this is actually an ending, the ending where Xiao Liu finally lets go. The situation coming out of the TV is a reward egg for collecting all the shadows in the game. "Little Nightmare 2", the second installment of the thriller puzzle game series "Little Nightmare" developed by Tarsier Studios.

<strong>Background settings

<p>During the suspenseful adventure of "Little Nightmare 2", the player will become the little boy Mono, in a world that has become distorted because of the radio waves. Mono will work hand in hand with Xiaoliu, a girl in a yellow raincoat, to uncover the secrets hidden in the signal tower. However, this is definitely not an easy journey: unknown threats lurking in this world are waiting for them.

<strong>Gameplay Design

<p>The game is divided into 5 chapters, each chapter corresponds to a different theme, and the emphasis on gameplay is also different. The first chapter \"Forest\" focuses on chasing and dodging. The second chapter "School" is the main battle, and the next "Hospital" level is mainly about exploration. I personally think that the level of "Hospital" pushes the horror atmosphere of the whole game to a climax, and it is also the highlight of the whole game. This part brings the horror atmosphere to the extreme through the contrast of light and dark and the contrast between movement and stillness. Such a clever arrangement of chapter content can keep players fresh in the game at all times, and in addition, they can get a completely different game experience.

In terms of core gameplay, "Little Nightmare 2" continues the style of the previous generation, and has not made drastic changes. The operation maintains the basic running, jumping, squatting, and carrying actions of the previous game, but what is different from the previous game is that this game adds a props gameplay that pays more attention to scene interaction, which is especially reflected in the puzzle design. The overall difficulty of the puzzles is moderate. Although the quality is not perfect, it has a high degree of integration with the scene and atmosphere. In addition, you can unlock the new "hat" costume by completing some extra puzzles during the adventure. This is also a new collection system added to this work. Although the hat does not have a corresponding specific function, it is more of a different appearance. , but it may be a very tempting element for collector players, and it also makes players have to check whether there are these hidden puzzles around them at any time, so as to gain more game fun.