

碎碎念的唐僧就像年幼时的父母、老师。曾经的逆反,不耐烦。但是长大后,成为男人后却在感激着长辈的教导。白晶晶代表着懵懂无知时的遇到的女孩,紫霞仙子代表着想要为之拼搏的女孩,牛魔王则代表了当今社会的大环境。月光宝盒则代表着当初的梦想,寄望于月光宝盒的至尊宝就是当初空有梦想的众人。 后来发现月光宝盒只是镜花水月,看得到,却很难触碰。只有一步一步努力的变成孙悟空,才能与牛魔王抗衡,才能够救回紫霞。而当变成孙悟空的时候,却发现已经无法去爱紫霞。

【英文介绍/For English】:

"A Chinese Journey to the West" tells us what it's like to meet the right person at the wrong time. Zhizunbao alludes to the sorrow of today's men. It seems to be a comedy, but it is actually a reality disguised as a comedy. This movie is close to society and close to life. There is always a conflict between ideals and reality. We must let go of ideals. Everything is so small in front of reality.

The thoughtful Tang Seng is like his parents and teachers when he was young. Once rebellious, impatient. But after growing up, after becoming a man, he is grateful for the teachings of his elders. Bai Jingjing represents the girl she met when she was ignorant, Fairy Zixia represents the girl who wants to fight for it, and Bull Demon King represents the general environment of today's society. The Moonlight Box represents the original dream, and the Supreme Treasure that is hoped for in the Moonlight Box is the people who had dreams in the past. It was later discovered that the Moonlight Box was just a mirror image, visible but hard to touch. Only by working hard step by step to become Monkey King can he compete with the Bull Demon King and save Zixia. But when he became Monkey King, he found that he could no longer love Zixia.