





【英文介绍/For English】:

There are 13 people. It is said that Jesus had a dinner with his disciples before his death, and the 13th person who attended the dinner was Judas, a disciple of Jesus. Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 silver dollars, causing Jesus to be tortured. There were 13 people who participated in the Last Supper, and the date of the dinner happened to be on the 13th. "13" brought suffering and misfortune to Jesus. Since then, "13" has been considered a symbol of misfortune. "13" is synonymous with betrayal and betrayal.

content background

"The Last Supper" is based on the "New Testament". According to the "New Testament: The Gospel of Mark": Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover for the last time. The Jewish chief priests conspired to arrest him at night, but there was no one to guide him.

At this moment, Judas, Jesus' disciple, informed the chief priest of the Jewish religion, "How much are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?" The chief priest of the Jewish religion gave Judas 30 yuan. So Judas made a pact with the chief priests: the man he kissed was Jesus.

On Passover, Jesus sat down with 12 disciples for the last supper. He said to the 12 disciples sadly, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me!" , or shocked, or angry, or excited, or nervous. "The Last Supper" shows the tense scene of this moment.