




【英文介绍/For English】:

The prototype of the story of the French movie "Untouchable" is a real story that happened to the rich man Philip, and it is adapted from Philip Pozzo di Borgo's autobiography "Second Breath".

<strong>The Untouchables is adapted from what

<p>The film "Untouchable", which was released in France on November 2, 2011, is mainly based on Philippe and "Nanny" A. Adapted from an account of Burdell's life over the past ten years. After Philip was paralyzed due to a paragliding accident in 1993, Aberdare, who was born as an immigrant, has been guarding Philip by his side and has become Philip's "protective devil". François Crucet and Omar Shee played Philip and Aberdare in the film.

In Philip's autobiography, Aberdare is of immigrant origin. But in the movie, "Aberdare" Dress is a black guy released from prison. Philip explained in his autobiography that although Aberdare was vain, proud, rude, and impermanent, he actually took care of Philip very well and was very humane. In the movie, it shows that although Driss and Philip have different backgrounds and statuses, they have become good friends, and their relationship continues to rise. They felt the meaning of life and love in the baptism of this friendship.