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Qiu Bizheng is asking Guo Qidong what kind of package

1. "The Wind Blows Pinellia" Qiu Bizheng asked Guo Qidong to cover up tax evasion. In order to make more money, Qiu Bizheng's own steel factory made fake accounts. When he was found out, Qiu Bizheng used money and Let Guo Qidong go to jail for himself.

2. Qiu Bizheng and Guo Qidong have a mutual use and dislike relationship, but it is undeniable that Guo Qidong is indeed very talented.

3. The development of Qiu Bizheng Iron and Steel Plant is inseparable from Guo Qidong, but when danger comes, the two fly separately, regardless of each other.

Is Qiu Bi betraying Xu Banxia?

"The Wind Blows Pinellia" Qiu Bizheng betrayed Xu Banxia. Qiu Bizheng was tempted by Qin Fangping because of money, and used other materials to declare exports to avoid tax. Qiu Bizheng really had no principles for money.