最近有很多热心网友都十分关心执念如影根据什么小说改编的 骆松和高川的结局是什么这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「水流云在」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。






【英文介绍/For English】:

"Obsession Like a Shadow" is a suspense drama starring Geng Le, Song Yang and Zhu Yanmanzi. It is scheduled to be broadcast on Youku on October 7. The poster and trailer have been released to unveil the drama for the audience. This drama mainly tells the story of Luo Song and Gao Chuan jointly investigating the truth after the accidental death of their master, so what novel is this drama based on? What is the final outcome?

Luo Song, played by Geng Le, and Gao Chuan, played by Song Yang, were both engaged in anti-drug work at the beginning. Excellent, they became the elites of the police station, but Cheng Fenghua's death changed their lives drastically.

As an anti-narcotics policeman, Cheng Fenghua must have many enemies. He had a car accident during the handling of the case and died accidentally. There must be some unknown secret behind this. After Cheng Fenghua's death, Gao Yue left the police force for some reason, but he did not give up on investigating the truth behind Cheng Fenghua's car accident, while Luo Song remained in the police force, and he never gave up on investigating the truth about his teacher's death. Cheng Fenghua asked for justice.

It can be seen that Cheng Fenghua's death runs through the whole play. With the development of the plot, one after another cases follow, which makes Luo Song have more doubts about Cheng Fenghua's death. This is definitely not a simple murder case. Huge interests and conspiracies are also involved.

In order to find out the truth faster, Luo Song and Gao Chuan joined forces again, but they didn't realize that a bigger conspiracy was approaching. Can the two heroes solve the life and death situation carefully planned by the black hand behind the scenes? It is reported that "Obsession Like a Shadow" is adapted from Leng Xiaozhang's original novel "Sin Addict". The story unfolds with Luo Song and Gao Chuan investigating the truth of Cheng Fenghua's death. In the end, Luo Song and Gao Chuan teamed up to find out who was behind the scenes and wiped out all the criminals, and the truth about Cheng Fenghua's murder came to light.