



3、方予泽眼里只有方家的地位,为了扳倒二叔方天逸,他利用了 董听瑶,导致董听瑶误把方天逸当成仇人。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Is Fang Yuze, the maid of honor, bad?

1. Fang Yuze in "The Maid of Gold" is bad, he is the enemy Dong Tingyao is looking for, he is cunning and full of scheming.

2. Fang Yuze was full of bad things, he caused the disaster of the Dong family by himself, and he pretended to be a good person to take good care of Dong Tingyao.

3. In Fang Yuze's eyes, only the Fang family's status is in his eyes. In order to bring down his second uncle Fang Tianyi, he used Dong Tingyao, causing Dong Tingyao to mistake Fang Tianyi as an enemy.

Does the daughter-in-law Fang Yuze like Dong Tingyao?

1. Fang Yuze in "The Maid of Gold" doesn't like Dong Tingyao. He only uses Dong Tingyao and never gives his sincerity.