很多朋友对于罚罪游艇爆炸是谁设计的 游艇到底是谁炸毁的和不太懂,今天就由小编蓦然回首来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!








【英文介绍/For English】:

The yacht bombing in "Punishment" is complicated and confusing. Who designed it? Zhao Pengzhan, Zhao Pengxiang or Zhao Pengchao? I feel that the three brothers are all suspects, and poor Zhao Pengcheng died innocently.

Zhao Pengcheng, played by Wang Yang, was killed shortly after he went online. He was the only righteous person in the Zhao family. His death was a bit hasty, which was hard for many viewers to accept. What happened to the yacht explosion? Is Zhao Pengcheng really dead? These are the two most discussed topics.

Zhao Pengcheng is a prosecutor, he is upright, he can't understand the behavior of his father and brother, he just wants to persuade them to change their ways, and has the criminal evidence of the Zhao family to force Zhao Xiaosheng to surrender, before he can hand over the evidence to Chang Zheng , I died in the bombing case. This plot was a bit too sudden, and some viewers couldn't accept it. After all, Zhao Pengcheng was the only good person in the Zhao family.

Zhao Pengcheng's death was not accidental but man-made. First of all, Zhao Xiaosheng was ruled out because after hearing that Zhao Pengcheng was killed, he suddenly passed out and became a vegetable. Zhao Pengzhan and Zhao Pengxiang were also shocked and wanted to know who planned the yacht explosion. Zhao Pengchao most suspected.

Zhao Pengchao has been studying in Australia and has no contact with the Zhao family's business, but he turned his two elder brothers' subordinates into his own as soon as he returned to China, which shows that Zhao Pengcheng has means and strategies, and he easily gained the real power of the Zhao family.

Zhao Pengchao is very likely to be the murderer of Zhao Pengcheng. It is speculated that he helped Chang Zheng prove his innocence to dispel Chang Zheng's suspicion of him. In this way, the police will focus on Zhao Pengzhan and Zhao Pengxiang for the bombing. Zhao Xiaosheng revealed to Zhao Pengchao that Zhao Pengcheng wanted him to surrender, so Zhao Pengchao had the motive to attack Zhao Pengcheng. Only when Zhao Pengcheng died, the Zhao family would be safe and he could also control the real power of the Zhao family.

When Zhao Xiaosheng heard that Zhao Pengcheng was killed, he should have guessed that it was Zhao Pengchao who did it, and fainted because he couldn't accept it for a while. As for whether Zhao Pengcheng was responsible for the yacht bombing, it will not be revealed until the end.