本篇文章给大家谈谈昼川什么时候喜欢初礼 两个人最后结局是在一起吗,以及对应的知识点,文章可能有点长,但是希望大家可以阅读完,增长自己的知识,最重要的是希望对各位有所帮助,可以解决了您的问题,不要忘了收藏本站喔。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Moonlight Variations", Hiukawa and Chuli get along very lovingly. From the initial confrontation to the later full of love, the changes in the attitudes of the two are also very obvious. It was Hiukawa who fell in love with Chuli first, which makes people very curious. I want to know when Hikawa fell in love with Chuli? Why did Hiukawa like Churi, and did the two get together in the end?

It is reported that Zhou Chuan fell in love with Chu Li when he knew that she was his netizen monkey. Zhou Chuan had a netizen who had chatted with her for several years. But the two have never met each other, nor have they made a phone call. They just share daily routines and often flirt with each other. Their chats are like boyfriend and girlfriend, but they are not together, but whether it is Hiukawa or Chu Rituals are inseparable from each other, as soon as there is something happy or troublesome, I immediately want to share it with the other party.

Chu Li came to Yuanyue Society to apply for a job because of her dream, but encountered a series of obstacles. At this time, Hiukawa also went to Yuanyue Society to discuss the signing of a new book, so in reality, Hiukawa and Chu Li met like this . Then Chu Li complained to Hiukawa on the Internet about a series of things she had encountered recently. The careful Hiukawa knew her true identity from Chu Li's words. The reason why Li became his own editor. Since Hiukawa knew that Chuli was Monkey King, her attitude towards her was different, but Chuli didn't realize it at all. Later, when Chuli knew that Hiukawa was her netizen, she was very angry, thinking that Hiukawa was playing with herself Play.

As a result, a rift appeared in the relationship between the two, and they fell into a cold war. Hiukawa didn't know how to coax the girl, so he scratched his head anxiously. Fortunately, the two reconciled in the end, and their relationship went further. In fact, Chu Li was gradually captured by Hiukawa, and it was precisely because of caring that he was so angry at Hiukawa's concealment of identity. The two will definitely be together in the end, and they will definitely have a happy ending in the end.