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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", the medicine Luoge Pusa is online. He is the leader of Mobei. Since he became the queen of Mobei, the people's life has gradually stabilized. It can be seen that Pusa is a wise and powerful monarch. In the original book, Pusa is Li Changge Uncle, is this also the case in TV dramas? Otherwise, how could Li Changge become the princess of Mobei?

Li Changge and his party came to Mobei in search of Zicao, but they were caught as spies of Ashilei and put into prison. The Monan King reached a deal, and under Li Changge's eloquent eloquence, the Mobei King agreed to release Mimi Guli and others, leaving only Li Changge as a hostage.

Ashley Falcon obeyed Yazhang's order and led the Eagle Division to attack Mobei. In order to keep the Eagle Division, Li Changge exchanged news with Ashile Falcon. Finally, the Eagle Division escaped by feigning death. Although Pu Sa doesn't trust Li Changge very much, he admires Li Changge's strategy and courage. In order to get more allies, Pu Sa named Li Changge the princess of Monan County and asked her to go to the Tang Dynasty as an envoy. Therefore, in the play, Pu Sa The relationship with Li Changge is brother and sister.

In the original book, Li Changge’s mother, Mrs. Jin, is from Mobei, and she and Yao Luoge Pusa are siblings. When Mrs. Jin was sent to the Ashile tribe to get married, she was reluctant in her heart. It just so happened that Li Shimin led troops to attack Ah The Shile Department rescued Mrs. Jin, and then Mrs. Jin followed Li Shimin back to Chang'an. Li Jiancheng's wife.

Li Changge didn't know the origin of his mother. It wasn't until he met Pusa in Mobei that he realized that the blood of the Mobei royal family flowed on his body, so Li Changge became the princess of Mobei. Unexpectedly, after being adapted into a TV series, Pusa and Li Changge became brother and sister. In addition, Bosa has no emotional line in the play. Although he has a CP feeling with Princess Tujia, the two are not a couple, so let's entertain ourselves.