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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", the little Khan Sheer's biological mother, Princess Yicheng, turned out to be the biggest villain. Mrs. Jinse and Mimi Guli are both her pawns. One is placed next to the Great Khan, and the other is placed by the Eagle Master. It can be seen Princess Yicheng's palace cannot be underestimated. I am very curious about the ending of Princess Yicheng. Is she really planning for Sheer for so many years?

Princess Yicheng is a daughter of the former Sui royal family. She was forced to marry far away in order to live in peace with the Ashile tribe in the Sui Dynasty. Her life in the Ashile tribe was not satisfactory. Since the birth of her son Sheer, Princess Yicheng She began to secretly plan a big conspiracy. She wanted Sheer to be the king of the Ashile tribe, so that Princess Yicheng would have the opportunity to use the power of the Ashile tribe to overthrow Datang.

At the beginning, everyone thought that Princess Yicheng was a weak, incompetent, kind-hearted woman. In fact, she pretended this. Princess Yicheng arranged Mrs. Jinse next to the Great Khan, hoping that Mrs. Jinse would be able to get great benefits. Khan's favor, and then humiliate herself inhumanely. Only in this way, the subjects of Ashilei will sympathize with her and love her more.

Princess Yicheng endured humiliation for so many years, realized her ambition step by step, and finally got the King Seal of the Great Khan one day. Her goal is to let Sheer sit on the position of Khan, and she no longer has to act according to people's faces. Instead, do whatever you want.

Little Khan Sheer has realized that Princess Yicheng is not as simple as it appears on the surface, but he dare not object, after all, Princess Yicheng is his mother, and all this is for him. In the latest plot, Princess Yicheng moved the tooth tent to Dingxiang, which is her base camp, and took people to Chang'an, her true face was also revealed at this moment.

Princess Yicheng is a ruthless woman who will do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. The only person she cares about most is Sheer, and all she does is for Sheer. In fact, her greatest wish is to revive the Sui Dynasty. It didn't end well, and in the end Princess Yicheng was willing to die because she didn't want to live humiliated.