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【英文介绍/For English】:

Situ Langlang is a character who appeared in the later stage of "Long Ge Xing", and he has an unusual relationship with Li Changge, so who is Situ Langlang? What is his history? What is the real identity? Because Situ Langlang is played by Liu Haikuan, everyone is looking forward to this role very much.

Situ Langlang is a ranger who comes and goes without a trace and is at ease. His image and personality are very different. On the surface, Situ Langlang is serious, mature and stable, but in fact it is just the opposite. Humor and wit are his personality traits. People can't help but think of Li Xiaoyao in "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

At present, Situ Langlang has not yet appeared on the stage, and he should not be far away from going online. Judging from the posters released before, Situ Langlang is dressed in civilian clothes, carrying a long sword, and his eyes reveal courage and perseverance.

In the original book, Situ Langlang saw that Li Changge was talented and had the potential to practice martial arts, so he accepted her as his apprentice and taught her the Yuenu swordsmanship. Situ Langlang only regarded Li Changge as his apprentice, and he had no affection for Li Changge. Situ Langlang is strong in martial arts, brave and resourceful. Because the genius doctor Sun Simiao saved his master, in order to repay his kindness, Situ Langlang protects Sun Simiao and travels around the world. The donkey cart is their standard equipment.

Liu Haikuan once specially posted on Weibo to introduce the role of Situ Langlang. He said that Situ Langlang has a spiritual mentor who is Sun Simiao. The two often drive around in a donkey cart. Lang Lang's character is very suitable, witty and humorous.

Liu Haikuan himself is also a rather humorous person. He often chats with fans on Weibo. Fans learned that Liu Haikuan played the role of Situ Langlang, so they asked Liu Haikuan in the comment area if he needed a driver's license for a donkey cart, and some fans said Liu Haikuan "" People race horses, Brother Kuan races donkeys", it seems that this donkey-car stalker can't make it through, and when Situ Langlang comes out, the barrage will definitely be full of ridicule.

The plot of "Long Song Xing" is getting more and more exciting. From Chang'an to Youzhou and then to Shuozhou, he is now an eagle master. According to the original book, there is also the plot of Huihe. I don't know when Situ Langlang will appear. Let's look forward to it .