据哈哈娱乐网网站「在你笑里沉沦」消息,近日,长歌行阿瑾怎么死的 阿瑾真的是李世民杀死的吗引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Long Song Xing", Ah Jin is Li Changge's mother, and she is the concubine of Prince Li Jiancheng. However, judging from the previous episodes, the relationship between Ah Jin and Li Shimin is unusual. They should have been together before. But now Ah Jin married Li Jiancheng and gave birth to Li Changge. Because Li Shimin was very kind to Li Changge, there are rumors that Li Changge is Li Shimin's daughter. Later when A Jin died, Li Changge saw Li Shimin coming out of A Jin's room, so he suspected that he had killed his mother. Although Li Changge couldn't believe it, he still regarded Li Shimin as the murderer of his mother and wanted to avenge A Jin. But Ah Jin's death was not that simple. The audience wanted to know how Ah Jin died in "Long Song Xing"? Could it be that Li Shimin really killed her?

It is reported that Ah Jin was not killed by Li Shimin, she committed suicide. Ah Jin's marriage to Li Jiancheng was not voluntary at all, but forced. The person Ah Jin loved was Li Shimin, but Li Jiancheng fell in love with Ah Jin. Watching Li Shimin occupy Ajin when he was leading soldiers to fight. Later, A Jin gave birth to Li Changge. Although she still loved Li Shimin very much, Li Changge was the most important thing in her heart now. When you see Li Changge, you will think of Ajin, so Li Shimin treats Li Changge very well, just like his own daughter, so everyone suspects that Li Changge is Li Shimin's daughter.

Li Changge also likes Li Shimin very much. In her heart, the second uncle is even more affectionate than her father Li Jiancheng. Later, when Ajin knew that Li Jiancheng wanted to kill Li Shimin, she told Li Shimin, that's why Li Shimin launched the Xuanwumen Incident. Although Ajin didn't love Li Jiancheng, she lived in the Prince's Mansion for so many years and lived with Li Jiancheng. After so many years, there are also feelings. A Jin told the whistleblower and leaked Li Jiancheng's secret, resulting in Li Jiancheng's death. She was also worried that Li Shimin would attack Li Changge, so A Jin chose to commit suicide.

She wanted to use this method to make Li Shimin feel guilty about herself, so as to protect Li Changge, but Li Changge misunderstood that Li Shimin was the murderer who killed her mother, and wanted to find opportunities to avenge her.