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【英文介绍/For English】:

The latest episode of "Everyday Upward" invited the performers of "Tang Palace Night Banquet". The young lady reproduced a beautiful dance on the stage, and then interacted with the Tiantian brothers and the guests on the scene. The clips of crashing and flying, the back and forth interactions are very interesting. As an elder brother, Qian Feng has brought too many funny and famous scenes to the audience on the stage of "Everyday Upward", and fans like him very much.

On March 21, 2021, on the "Everyday Upward" program, the guests invited the performers of the work "Tang Palace Banquet". It’s very funny. On the stage, they reproduced the dance of "Tang Palace Banquet" for the audience, and highly restored the walking posture of people in the Tang Dynasty. The smiles and happy expressions are vivid and very interesting. In "Tang Palace Night Banquet", there is a Qian Feng and Wang Yibo also imitated the famous scene of being knocked into the air.

In the beginning, the young lady interacted with Qian Feng, but because Qian Feng was too plump, the young lady was knocked into the air. Later, Wang Yibo and Qian Feng interacted. Wang Han said, Qian Feng, you want to fly out of Austria. Only then did we see Wang Yibo The clip of hitting Qian Feng.

In the past two years, Guofeng culture has been very prosperous, and more and more people like it, which has led to the popularization and dissemination of Chinese culture. For example, in tonight's "Everyday Upward" program, the Tiantian Brothers led everyone to watch a very interesting dance, understand We experienced the prosperity and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and also enjoyed a very connotative musical instrument performance. Of course, the much-anticipated Chinese Huashang culture was also explained.

The clothes worn by the four Tiantian brothers are all exquisite, and Wang Yibo's gray-blue clothes are more suitable for his age. The color of the clothes and the copper coins and money bags on his body add to the extravagance. Such beautiful Ming Dynasty costumes are really attractive.

"Everyday Upward" is a variety show, and the theme of each program is very attractive, especially the positive energy promoted through the program is worth learning.