据哈哈娱乐网网站「静夜寒风」消息,近日,上阳赋谢宛如为什么一定要殉葬 她经历了什么事情引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

Although the couple Ma Zilong and Xie Wanru in "Shangyang Fu" are not really in love with each other like Xiao Qi and Wang Yan, Ma Zilong treats Xie Wanru very well. After he ascended the throne and became emperor, he established Xie Wanru became the empress, breaking Dacheng's long-standing tradition that a woman surnamed Wang was the empress. However, Xie Wanru hated Ma Zilong very much because of his relationship with Wang Zhang. Xie Wanru didn't love Ma Zilong at all, but after Ma Zilong died, she insisted on following her husband regardless of her children, which made people very curious, so Why did Xie Wanru have to be buried? What is the special reason for this? What has Xie Wanru experienced?

Ma Zilong loves Xie Wanru very much, and he was still worried about Xie Wanru when he was dying, but Ma Zilong wanted Xie Wanru to be buried for himself, and Xie Wanru also agreed to Ma Zilong, which made many viewers unable to understand. Ma Zilong has always loved Xie Wanru very much and treated her very well, and their child was just born, why did Ma Zilong insist on letting Xie Wanru die with him, and Xie Wanru didn't object?

There is actually a reason why Ma Zilong did this, because she is the only queen surnamed Xie in Dacheng. This is something to be very proud of, but for Xie Wanru and her son who lost Ma Zilong's protection, this is a reminder for them, because the Wang family can't tolerate Xie's daughter becoming a queen, nor can she tolerate Xie's daughter's son becoming a queen. Climb to the throne that should belong to Wang's blood!

The Xie family has fallen. Even if Xie Wanru becomes the queen, the current Xie family cannot compare with the well-established Wang family. After Ma Zilong's death, Xie Wanru and the child will be in a state of isolation and helplessness. Both of them will be very dangerous. It was because of this thought that Xie Wanru was buried. Because if Xie Wanru dies, the queen mother will do her best to preserve her only grandson, even if this grandson still has a part of the Xie family's blood, Xie Wanru is going to be buried because she understands this. Then entrust the child to Wang Zhang.