据哈哈娱乐网网站「月出东山之上」消息,近日,连莲喜欢上封潇声了吗 连莲变身猪队友急坏观众引发热议,同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?哈哈娱乐网为您解答。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Under the Sun", Lian Lian is the best friend of the heroine Ke Ying. She is a reporter with a very sense of justice and has been in dangerous places many times in order to obtain evidence. Lian Lian's mother is the deputy mayor, and the Feng Group, as a local star industry, has to deal with government officials, so Lian Lian's mother and Mr. Feng also know each other, and Lian Lian and Feng Xiaosheng have also been in contact since then. So did Lian Lian fall in love with Feng Xiaosheng? A girl as smart as Lian Lian would be deceived by Feng Xiaosheng, and then turn against Ke Ying. Lian Lian's behavior as a pig teammate really made the audience very anxious.

It is reported that Lian Lian has really fallen in love with Feng Xiaosheng. Lian Lian and Ke Ying have been friends for many years. The two of them have witnessed each other step by step, but Ke Ying did not say that she was threatened by Feng Xiaosheng. Come out, because she knows Lian Lian's character, if she knows, she will be the one who is in danger. Later, Ke Ying had to break up with her lover Yang Yuze because of Feng Xiaosheng's pressing every step of the way. Ke Ying couldn't say anything in the face of everyone's accusations, and she felt very painful.

And Lian Lian didn't understand Ke Ying. After Ke Ying broke up with Yang Yuze, Lian Lian's attitude towards Ke Ying changed. She felt that Ke Ying shouldn't hurt Yang Yuze that much. At the same time, she also wanted to know why Ke Ying stayed in Feng Xiaosheng. around. Lian Lian became interested in Feng Xiaosheng, and at the same time, Feng Xiaosheng wanted to see if Ke Ying would be jealous because of her, so he announced in public that he was going to be engaged to Lian Lian.

Everyone was very confused, everyone didn't even know that Lian Lian and Feng Xiaosheng knew each other before, but now that Feng Xiaosheng and Lian Lian have such a relationship, everyone finds it hard to accept. And Lian Lian also fell into Feng Xiaosheng's disguise step by step. When she was dating Feng Xiaosheng, she specially dressed herself very beautifully. From the way Lian Lian looked at Feng Xiaosheng, she could tell that Lian Lian She was really fascinated by Feng Xiaosheng. Lian Lian doesn't know Feng Xiaosheng's true face, what she likes is Feng Xiaosheng's disguise, so in the end Lian Lian should wake up when she knows the truth, and then reconcile with the heroine.