今天哈哈娱乐网给各位分享的知识,其中也会对御赐小仵作楚楚身世 楚楚究竟是什么来历进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!



这也引发了多方势力的明争暗斗,随着一个个案件的接憧而至,楚楚和萧瑾瑜以及他们的小伙伴一起组成了一个团队,他们共同携手破解案件真相,并且从中寻找各种蛛丝马迹,最后成功破解了十八年前的悬案。与此同时,楚楚和萧瑾瑜之间的感情也开花结果,他们在皇帝的认可下成婚,成为幸福甜蜜的一对。这部电视剧改编自小说,原著男女主角就是happy ending,想必电视剧版的结局也和原著差不到哪里去。


【英文介绍/For English】:

After the broadcast of "The Little Wu Zuo", more and more viewers began to pay attention to this TV series. Although the leading actors are not well-known, their acting skills are very good. Su Xiaotong plays the heroine Chu Chu in the play. She is not as simple as she appears on the surface. What is Chuchu's origin, let's find out together!

It is reported that Chu Chu comes from a family of scribes in the southwestern mountainous area. In order to realize her dream of being a scribe, she came to Chang'an alone. Chu Chu disguised herself as a man to take the scribe exam. Wang Xiaojinyu did not know each other. Although the relationship between the two was not very pleasant at the beginning, the two became partners to solve the case together. While finding out the truth of the case, the relationship between Chu Chu and Xiao Jinyu developed further. At the same time, Chu Chu also gradually uncovered the mystery of her life experience surrounding her.

This also triggered open and secret struggles among various forces. As each case came up, Chu Chu, Xiao Jinyu and their friends formed a team. They worked together to solve the truth of the case, and searched for various clues, and finally succeeded. Solved the unsolved case eighteen years ago. At the same time, the relationship between Chu Chu and Xiao Jinyu also blossomed. They got married with the approval of the emperor and became a happy and sweet couple. This TV series is adapted from a novel, and the hero and heroine of the original book are happy endings. Presumably, the ending of the TV series version is not much different from the original book.

The process of two people getting along is the most interesting. They went from disliking each other to gradually falling in love with each other. Many interesting things happened during this process. At the same time, Chu Chu and Xiao Jinyu also experienced many hardships, and their relationship was also tested. Fortunately, both of them persevered. It was not easy for Chu Chu and Xiao Jinyu to get together. Now that the TV series has not been updated, everyone is very much looking forward to the moment when Chu Chu and Xiao Jinyu are together.