很多朋友对于上阳赋韩氏怎么死的 原来是她的死让王蔺想要凌驾皇权上和不太懂,今天就由小编┟花葬禮≯来为大家分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!





【英文介绍/For English】:

In the latest updated plot of "Shangyang Fu", Wang Yan went to Ci'an Temple to visit her mother, and she also learned the truth about the death of Han, the only concubine her father ever took , It was precisely because of Han's death that his father wanted to override the imperial power afterwards. What is going on here? How did the Han family die in "Shangyang Fu"? Is there any particular reason for this? Let's find out together!

Han's death was claimed to be due to illness, but in fact it was not. She was poisoned to death by the Queen Mother. When the Wang family fell, in order to restore the prestige of the Wang family, the marriage of Wang Lin's siblings became a bargaining chip, and Wang Lin also married Princess Jinmin. But Wang Lin doesn't love Princess Jinmin. He has a childhood sweetheart, Miss Han. The two have always had a good relationship. Wang Lin bought a house outside and secretly got together with Miss Han. Later, Princess Jinmin found out about it. , she felt that she was deceived by Wang Lin, so she went back to the palace and cried. The queen mother was very angry when she found out about this. Only then did the palace realize that this was a Hongmen banquet.

The empress dowager gave Han's poisoned wine in front of everyone. Wang Lin kowtowed to the empress dowager for mercy in order to save the life of his beloved. The scene was very touching, but the empress dowager and the eldest princess were unmoved at all. Wang Lin died in front of Wang Lin, which caused a great blow to Wang Lin. From then on, although he was kind to the eldest princess on the surface, he resisted being with the eldest princess in his heart.

At the same time, Wang Lin also wholeheartedly wants to be above the imperial power, because only in this way can he protect the people he wants to protect, and prevent the tragedy of many years ago from happening again. In fact, Wang Lin didn't want to be emperor, and he didn't care who the country would end up with. Wang Lin just hoped that his authority would be above the royal family, so that he would not be restricted by anyone.