最近有很多热心网友都十分关心大红包什么时候上映 电影主要讲了什么故事这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「安若浅溪」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。


据悉,电影定档于2021年1月29日在中国大陆上映,这部作品由李克龙自编自导,包贝尔、克拉拉、贾冰、 张一鸣、许君聪 、王小利、廖蔚蔚、岳跃利主演,《大红包》是一部爱情喜剧片,主要讲述了男主陈重在工作即将调往外地的时候发现自己这些年竟然随了这么多的红包,于是陈重想要在自己还没有离开这座城市前收回这些红包,为了找到一个完美的借口,陈重想了很多办法,在这个过程中也发生了很多令人啼笑皆非的故事。



【英文介绍/For English】:

Because Bao Beier performed very well in several movies before, it completely overturned everyone's original impression of him, so everyone is looking forward to Bao Beier's new work that will be released soon, so when will "Big Red Envelope" be released? ? The name of this movie sounds very festive, so what kind of story does "Big Red Envelope" mainly tell? Let's find out together!

It is reported that the film is scheduled to be released in mainland China on January 29, 2021. This work is written and directed by Li Kelong, starring Bao Beier, Clara, Jia Bing, Zhang Yiming, Xu Juncong, Wang Xiaoli, Liao Weiwei, Yue Yueli, "Big Red Envelope" It is a romantic comedy film, which mainly tells the story of the male protagonist Chen Zhong who found out that he had followed so many red envelopes all these years when he was about to be transferred to other places at work, so Chen Zhong wanted to take back these red envelopes before he left the city. In order to find a perfect excuse, Chen Zhong thought of many ways, and many ironic stories happened in the process.

Chen Zhong originally had a girlfriend who had been dating for many years, and the relationship between the two was stable, but later she cheated on her and got rich and left Chen Zhong. There was a lot of noise about the two breaking up, and Chen Zhong had no face to face his friends and colleagues around him, so he applied to the company for a transfer to the Hainan Island branch in his hometown, and never came back. Before Chen Zhong left, he found that in the past few years he had given out more than 300,000 red envelopes in order to develop his business, whether it was a leader or a colleague, or even a client who got married or had a child. Chen Zhong thought that after he left, he might never get the money back, so he planned to get the money back before going to Hainan.

So he found his ex-girlfriend, hoping that she would hold a fake wedding with him for the sake of their love, and receive a red envelope at the same time, but after he said his proposal, he was rejected by his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. A taunt. Chen Chong's good brother came up with an idea for Chen Chong after knowing about it, so the two hired Lily to act as Chen Chong's bride. .