最近有很多热心网友都十分关心晴雅集祸蛇为什么在公主体内 祸蛇和公主是什么关系这个问题。还有一部分人想了解。对此,哈哈娱乐网小编「人贱不如不见」收集了相关的教程,希望能给你带来帮助。





【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Qing Ya Ji", Qingming and others gathered in Tiandu City in order to prevent the evil snake from breaking out of the seal and returning to the world. They also experienced a series of unimaginable things here, but finally the evil snake came to the world, which is surprising The strange thing is that the evil snake has been in Princess Changping's body all along, and was born by the princess. "Qing Ya Ji" Why is the evil snake in the princess' body? What is the relationship between the evil snake and the princess? The princess gave birth to the evil snake and left a deep impression on the audience, making everyone unforgettable for a long time.

It is reported that the reason why the evil snake is in the princess's body is because the princess used her body as a container to seal the evil snake. The evil snake could not be completely eliminated, but could only be sealed. Therefore, the princess could not leave Tiandu City. Although the princess has an immortal body because of sealing the evil snake, she has lived an unhappy life for hundreds of years. The evil snake feeds on human emotions. Now it is sealed and cannot swallow other people's emotions, so it can only be Princess Changping's seven emotions and six desires are used as food.

In order to prevent the evil snake from drawing strength from her emotions and then rushing out of the seal, Princess Changping must have no desires and desires for hundreds of years, which also means that she cannot be emotional, even if she has someone she likes. together with him. Princess Changping originally fell in love with Qingming's master Zhongxing, but because of the evil snake, they had to separate, and before Zhongxing created Shishen Crane Shouyue to accompany Changping, Crane Shouyue could always be by the princess's side, but later Because of Zhongxing's death, Crane Shouyue will not live for long.

In order to stay by the princess's side forever, He Shouyue wants the princess to release the evil snake in his body, and then swallow the evil snake by himself, so that he can achieve eternal life and be with the princess forever. The princess has been lonely for hundreds of years, and finally someone can accompany her. Naturally, she doesn't want anything to happen to He Shouyue, so the princess agrees to He Shouyue's proposal. The two plan to release the evil snake. In fact, what the princess wants It's very simple, it's just that there is someone who can accompany her, and He Shouyue just wants to protect the princess forever.