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【英文介绍/For English】:

In "Twelve Tans", since Ye Ming woke up, a man named Yu Shaobai often appeared in his dreams. Ye Ming didn't remember who he was at all, but the man said that they were in love once. Can't remember what happened before, and at the same time, he is very suspicious of what he said. So what kind of monster is Yu Shaobai in "Twelve Tans"? In fact, Yu Shaobai used to be a human being, but after some things happened, he changed from a human to a demon.

Yu Shaobai was a human being thousands of years ago, and he and Ye Ming also met at that time, when Ye Ming had just become a human being, she met Yu Shaobai by accident, and then lived in Yu Shaobai's house. Yu Shaobai went to Beijing to rush for the exam, but unexpectedly failed the exam. When he returned home, he was surprised to see the strange Ye Ming. Because Ye Ming was very beautiful, Yu Shaobai fell in love with Ye Ming at first sight. Ye Ming didn't have any concept of love at the beginning, because Yu Shaobai and his family were very kind to him, so Ye Ming also liked to stay with Yu Shaobai very much, and the two became husband and wife later, Jin Xingjian happened to change from a stone to a man at this time. As an adult, I met Ye Ming.

Ye Ming took in Jin Xingjian who was still a child. Jin Xingjian's name was Ye Ming's sister. They had a very good relationship. Ye Ming treated Jin Xingjian very well, and Jin Xingjian also liked Ye Ming very much. Later, Yu Shaobai died in battle in an accident. Ye Ming couldn't bear to watch him leave like that, so he resurrected him with his own demon power. Only then did Yu Shaobai realize that Ye Ming was not a human being. Yu Shaobai also became a demon because of Ye Ming's saving him. He wanted to absorb Ye Ming's power to make himself stronger. Hurt Ye Ming. After Jin Xingjian knew Yu Shaobai's purpose, he stood on the opposite side with him. Jin Xingjian had liked Ye Ming for a long time, and he would never allow anyone to hurt his beloved woman.

Knowing that Jin Xingjian was a bad person, Ye Ming felt very heartbroken and regretted bringing him back to life, so he prepared to die with Yu Shaobai, but Jin Xingjian stopped Ye Ming at the last moment and made her fall into a deep sleep. Then Jin Xingjian was worried that Ye Ming would be sad when he thought of these things, so Then her memory was erased, so Ye Ming would forget Yu Shaobai after he woke up, but he dreamed of him again in his dream. Yu Shaobai is now a bat spirit, and he is no longer the same Yu Shaobai as before. The current Yu Shaobai is just a person who can use any means to achieve his own goals. He has completely become enemies with Ye Ming and Jin Xingjian.